This isn't something that I would normally post here. I am working on art work to depersonalize my house to put up for sale in the spring. I wanted to have a piece of my children up still without having it scream Caleb and Emily are here!! I say this only because those of you who have seen my house in the past know that the walls of my house were a shrine to my children!
After spending some time on Pinterest I came up with a way to accomplish what I wanted.
I decided to reuse some canvases that I painted when Caleb was born.
A canvas of whatever size you want, I used a 18 x 24.
acrylic paint in two color choices and a pearlizing medium
a spool of ribbon
painters tape
a flathead paintbrush
foam brushes
a stencil
some decorative upholstery nails
a 12 x 12 piece of scrapbook paper
mod podge- I used the Matte finish
take a profile picture of your child against a plain wall.
(This is easier said than done sometimes. Hopefully they will hold still for you!)
I put my picture in photoshop and darkened it to make it easier to cut out. You could print yours in black and white to make it easier to see the edges.
Let's start on your canvas.
Paint the base color over the entire canvas, go over the edge just a little but don't worry about the sides you will cover them with the ribbon later.
Let it dry.
Tape off a border. I created my borders using the width of the painters tape. The first boarder is 3-1/2" wide and the second is the width of the tape-3". Scale your borders according to the size of the canvas you are using. The outer border should be bigger than the inner border.
Paint your second color in like shown above.
While that is drying, print out your profile picture on 8-12 x 11" paper, cut it out, and then trace your image on the BACK of your scrapbook paper. I did the same process for the letter on the lower portion of the canvas. I went online and found a font that I liked and traced it on the back of the scrapbook paper (mirror image) and then cut them both out. Set that aside.
Take your main color and the pearlizing medium and mix them together. I would do about 75% base color and 25% pearlizer. You don't need much, maybe about two tablespoons total.
Take your foam brush and your stencil and add your backdrop the the center of the canvas.
Note: Don't put too much paint on your foam brush or it will bleed through your stencil. I dabbed it in the paint and then dabbed some off onto some paper towel. You can always go over it again to add more color but it is hard to take it back off.
I also added the pearling medium to the boarder of my canvas to add more shimmer before I tool off the tape. I used my paint brush to do this. Note: this will lighten the color of your boarder a little. You may have some bleeding touching up to do where the tape was depending on how well you got the tape stuck to the canvas.
Let that dry completely.
Lay out your silhouette and letter on the canvas, try to center them in the middle of the canvas and leave a small space between the image and the letter. The spacing will change depending on the size of the canvas you are using.
When you are happy with how they look
glue them onto the canvas with your mod podge. Make sure to go all the way to the edges of the scrapbook paper, this will get messy but you want the edges covered in glue so they don't peel up.
I went ahead and painted the whole canvas with the mod podge to seal the whole canvas and make sure the image wouldn't peel of the canvas. You do need to be careful to not get it too thick in one spot. It will go on creamy and thick and you will think you have just ruined all your work but don't worry it will dry clear.
Note: Since the mod podge is water based you can spread it out a little with a wet brush if it gets too thick.
Add your ribbon around the edge of the canvas and tack it down with a hammer and your upholstery nails. try to space out the nails to make sure the ribbon doesn't slip around the corners.
Create a loop at the top to hang your finished art work.
Hang and enjoy your new art!
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